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National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls finds Canada committing systemic genocide
Elizabeth May photo by Mark Kortum CC BY 2.0
Elizabeth May's environmental policies align with Scheer, and even oil industry shill Ezra “Ethical Oil” Levant
Anti-racist protest in Germany May 19
The stakes are high in the elections to European parliament May 23-26
Foodora couriers march for justice
Support the Foodora couriers fight for better wages!
Green supporters, photo by Nanaimo—Ladysmith Green Party
The climate movement is much bolder than the Green Party.
Demonstratio against Quebec's Bill 21 banning religious symbols
Anti-racists across the Canadian state need to shut down hate and show solidarity wherever we are.
Hamilton celebrates May Day
Rage against Ford fuels May Day
PSOE Socialist Party supporters celebrated on Sunday night (Photo: @PSOE on Twitter)
Celebrate the victory of PSOE, but build the anti-capitalist left.
Members of the VTU celebrate and organize. Photo by Michael Tseng
Tenants are organzing themselves to take on landlords.
PEI Green supporters. Photo Green Party of PEI Facebook
PEI Greens’ success shows voters’ concern for climate, but we need more


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