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Library Workers vote to Strike!
Library workers defend jobs and services
On the heels of a 91 per cent strike mandate, CUPE 4948 filed for a 'no board' Report with the Ministry of Labour that, if approved, will set a strike deadline of March 17.more
Mass opposition challenges Tory spying bill
stop tory spying
On February 14, Conservative public safety minister Vic Toews introduced Bill C-30 to Parliament—unofficially titled the “Protecting Children from Internet...more
Bad news for pipelines
movement grows against the pipelines
From Prince Rubert to Haida Gwaii, opposition is growing to the catastrophic tar sands pipelinesmore
Occupy! Women during the 1937 Flint sit-down strike
They changed history, and themselves
The relevance of the history of the Flint strike to today couldn't be clearer. In a time of global economic crisis and Austerity, the example of real solidarity breaking down the barriers between men and women, black and white, immigrant and non-immigrant workers shows the way forward.more
Quebec student strike shows the way to fight fees
inside the Quebec student movement
Quebec students are democratically building a growing strike movement against tuition fees, like their 2005 victory. People across English Canada should learn from them and show their support.more
Fight McGuinty's Austerity agenda
the 1% solution for Ontario's economic crisis
Dalton McGuinty has hired a member of the 1% to solve the crisis they created, resulting in budge proposals that attack the 99%.more
Austerity in Greece: Bailout leaves workers in misery
bailing out the capitalists
The -bailout- of Greece is a brutal attack on the 99%, and will do nothing to fix the crisis of the 1%.more
The Robocall rogues gallery
The Cons: a Review
The Robocall scandal is the tip of the iceberg of Harper scandals.more
Women's Oppression: Origin Stories
Engels in Review
A look at the context in which Friedrich Engels wrote his groundbreaking The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.more
Bahrain: Canada complicit in Saudi crackdown
Harper's -humanitarian intervention- in Bahrain
Canadian arms companies exported $4 billion worth of weaponry and ammunition to Saudi Arabia in the last year, including light armoured vehicles (LAVs) that human rights activists believe were used in the Saudi crackdown on Bahrain's democracy movement.more


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