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NDP Liberal agreement means more climate chaos, corporate profiteering and militarization
The federal NDP has decided that they are not interested in contesting an election for at least 3 years and...more)
Workers rally for an end to Bill 124
Repeal bill 124!
Close to 100 workers came out to a picket on March 17 at Dave Smith's constituency office (the Tory MPP...more)
Why we are marching against racism
Join the global days of action against racism March 19-21
March 21 is the International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination and there are planned demonstrations around the world...more)
Kenney’s all-out war on public health
Tory governments are using the pandemic to push for-profit healthcare
Having declared the pandemic over and canceling all public health measures, Alberta premier Jason Kenney has returned to his first...more)
Where's the Climate Plan, Justin?
Canada's emissions keep rising and there is no plan to reduce impacts
According to Canada's financial watchdog, the federal government is “very unlikely” to recoup its $4.5-billion investment after the crown Trans...more)
Starbucks union wave - What are the workers asking for?
What's behind the union drive?
History was made in December 2021 when workers in a Starbucks coffee shop in Buffalo, New York voted to unionize...more)
Before Black Lives Matter: Black Action Defence Committee
BADC led the anti-racist resistance
In Ontario, if you were at all involved in politics in the 1980s you immediately encountered three catalytic organizations. There...more)
Attacks against elected reps smell like far-right violence
Attacks have risen since the racist convoy
In the last few months, federal, provincial, and local elected representatives have seen their offices and homes targeted with violence...more)
No War in Ukraine! Canada out of Eastern Europe
Neither Washington nor Moscow but International Socialism!
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a dangerous escalation in a longstanding conflict that could devolve into a much larger...more)
Are “foreign influences” to blame for the bigots’ convoy?
The racist, white supremacist roots of the "truckers" convoy are as Canadian as maple syrup and residential schools.
I'm seeing a lot of social media posts blaming the far-right convoy on the US and "Trumpism". Even Jagmeet Singh...more)
Stop Ontario Tory plan to privatize healthcare
Ontario Health Coalition launches campaign against cuts
Ontario Health Minister, Christine Elliot announced that the Tories are going to introduce private hospitals in Ontario. She said that...more)
University faculty striking back!
Faculty and student workers are fighting for a fair deal
Faculty at Acadia University, Ontario Tech University, and the University of Lethbridge are currently on strike. These strikes follow successful...more)
Strong Strike Mandate for Graduate Student-Workers (PSAC 901) at Queen’s University
Graduate student-workers at Queen’s University, unionized as PSAC DCL 901, have been in bargaining since Spring 2021. As negotiations came...more)
Blockades - not Trudeau’s emergencies act - is the way to deal with far-right
We stop them in the streets
After weeks of far-right led convoy protests which have taken over cities and border crossings, working people have had enough...more)
Eugenics: The sinister ideology behind COVID “normalization”
The headline of the January 12 op/ed says it all: “Say Goodbye to Self-Isolating, WFH Mandates, Mass Testing.” The...more)
Progressive politician faces violence in wake of convoy
Trucker convoy leaves stinking fumes
St. Catharines city councillor Karrie Porter was awakened at 3:00 AM, January 30, when a cowardly vandal hurled a large...more)
Sleazy Ontario Tories rake in cash from COVID
It’s a twofer for Doug Ford: use COVID as a pretext to privatize health services and at the same time...more)
Trucker convoy a farce – but no joke
The “Truckers For Freedom convoy” itself is a farce. It is a handful of pickup trucks and SUVs being driven...more)
Canada fuelling tension in Ukraine
Canada’s role in Ukraine is intensifying the possibility of war. The Liberal government is sending more military equipment to the...more)
Ford’s Bill 37: Profits 1, Long-Term Care 0
New law means more government cash for for profit LTCs
On December 7 of last year Bill 37, amending the Long Term Care Act of 2007 was passed despite strong...more)
Ontario: big rat jumps DoFo ship ahead of election
First rule of political spin: if something is bad for your government/party, announce it late on a Friday afternoon. Breaking...more)
Trade unions must mobilize to support abortion rights in the US
Women's right to chose is under attack. Only a mass movement can win abortion rights
Access to abortion in the United States is deteriorating as right wing forces opposed to the equality of women win...more)
Fighting racism in construction from the bottom up
In January of 2021, published an article that featured Kimoy Francique, a woman of Afro-Caribbean descent who is an...more)
Race, Empire and Settler-Colonialism in the writings of Marx and Engels
with Padraic Gibson, socialist activist with Solidarity (Australia) In the classical Marxist tradition, anti-racist and anti-colonial struggles are of central...more)
Uprising in Kazakhstan
What is behind the protests in Kazakhstan?
In early January, mass protests erupted in Kazakhstan. Initially, the protests were the workers' reaction to more than doubling of...more)


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